Friday, February 10, 2012

Fourth - and final - chemo!

Just had my fourth and final chemo yesterday! It was fairly uneventful, as far as the infusion went.

Unfortunately, I have a bump in my upper arm, above where I had surgery and radiation for the sarcoma. It appeared around the time of the lymphedema, so I thought it was part of that, but the lymphedema therapists said it was too hard to be lymphedema. I had an ultrasound after chemo yesterday to rule out a blood clot (Kind of funny, I was hoping for a blood clot - unfortunately(?) there wasn't one). I'm scheduled for an MRI today. Worst case is return of the sarcoma. The ultrasound technician said she didn't see anything other than muscle - when I had an ultrasound on the original lump last year, they did see something "different." But could vary by technician, and it's ultrasound which isn't that definitive for things like this which is why I'm having an trying not to think too much about it. Yeah, right. So, if you can spare any thoughts and prayers, please send some my way (so weird to ask for this for myself!).

Also, I've developed really bad edema in my legs (from the taxotere?). I took 20mg of lasix last night, that seemed to help. Can't exactly see my ankle bones yet, but my shoes aren't so tight anymore. But all this girly girl wants to wear is sweats, and I worry that if it doesn't go away soon that's all I'll be able to wear.

I'm told that I should start feeling more "normal" in a couple of months (there's the three week cycle from yesterday's chemo, then recovery starts). My birthday is April 24th, and I think my birthday wish is to have enough hair to not have to wear a headcover to my party, and to not have to wear sweatpants.

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